Social networks

TikTok is a communication tool for your company

Telephone with TikTok app

In 2016 TikTok appeared on the smartphones of young people in China. It is a social network completely dedicated to short videos which, at the beginning, had a mainly teenage audience. But today it became a very good communication tool for your company.

Today, TikTok has one billion users worldwide and has overtaken Google, being the most popular website of 2021. In France, the users are 4 million and the demography is mostly young, but there are also many companies, such as multinational clothing brands such as Uniqlo and Hollister, which are also its partners. That is why we want to explain you why TikTok is a communication tool for your company that you shouldn’t miss.

You can also take a look on our website because we’re an audiovisual production company that makes many testimonial videos or on our article page for some examples or on our youtube channel.

How can this be interesting for your company?

It’s now clear, the number of views on this app are uncountables, making it a perfect scene for marketing. Moreover, businesses can insert the “buy” button in their video, which generates a lot of traffic for e-commerce companies. If your content is of good quality and your audience uses the platform, you absolutely must be there!

How it works

TikTok is a social network dedicated to video. While the duration can vary from 15 seconds to 10 minutes, most videos last less than a minute, so this is a short, fast-consuming type of content: the editing is dynamic and the context is understood thanks to a few sentences displayed on the screen.

Another important thing to know is that the content becomes obsolete very quickly because the trends (what’s trendy at the moment) continue to change: what is in trend today, will be old in one or two weeks. For that reason, the first few hours after your video is uploaded are the most important for its success!

TikTok user

Post at the right time

To promote even the best audiovisual content on this app, it’s important to understand when is the best moment to share your video during the day or week. It would be a shame if you invested time to create a perfect video but no one is online to watch it, knowing that, as we just said, the first few hours are crucial to the success of your content. For more information on the rules to follow for social videos on your social networks you can also read this article.

In general, you should avoid working days and hours, such as Mondays or mornings, because the public is in a hurry and too busy to be on their smartphone. During the holidays and weekends TikTok is more crowded because it is the time of relaxation, just like evenings. Many people are at home or in places where it is possible to activate the sound of the video and tend to share the content with friends.

Be regular

Because of its fast functioning, your followers can as quickly forget you! It is essential to post very regularly, almost every day, so that your followers always have you in their feed and your brand is familiar to them, so you will create a routine that is the basis of familiarity.

If, after a moment of inactivity, your followers do not see your content as they expected, it will be easier for them to press the “unsubscribe” button.

The best thing would be to put a little reminder on your calendar.

Follow trends

TikTok allows you to make simple and cool edits, with catchy sounds or filters that change our face or what is around us. Pay attention to current trends and use them for your video. Whether it’s a challenge, a music or a playback, the important thing is to reproduce them and adapt them to the content and the message you want to convey to your audience. Remember that fashions go fast! Avoid replicating an old trend if you notice that no one is doing it anymore, it means it’s too late and you need to focus on something more current. With an old trend it is impossible to reach many people (because of the functioning of the TikTok algorithm) and you will give an old image to your company.

Very important! Always use hashtags, as they will give you a lot more visibility! Just add hashtags that are related to the subject of your video, brands, products, anything that can help the targeted audience find your video.

Be careful not to use random hashtags that have nothing to do with you just to attract attention, this is not considered a very correct behavior on the social network and you may end up looking not very nice :/



Now that you have the attention of your audience, and they have left comments, you must answer them. Whether it’s a question, a positive opinion or even a negative opinion, you will give the image of a company that cares about the opinions of its customers, that considers each person who contacts you important and that you are listening to all points of view to improve yourself. A review can be a good starting point for a change that will improve the quality of your products. It is important to tell your audience that you really want their feedback.

The mood of the comment depends on the image you want to give to your company: if you have a young and relaxed audience, you can answer them by calling them by their first name (for example: Hello Tais, thank you for your comment!: ), if you prefer to keep a formal air, it is better to have a more detached and professional tone (for example: Hello Sir, thank you for your comment).

Don’t forget to thank them in your answer! We hope that article help you to see that tiktok is a tool for your company

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